Whether it comes from tests at school, deadlines at work, or unexpected events at home, stress is a reality for almost everyone. And beyond making us feel overwhelmed, in the long run stress can age people faster and lead to serious problems like high blood pressure, heat disease, and obesity.
On the other hand, so many current stress relief treatments end up causing even more trouble. Many stress relieving drugs are expensive, have serious side effects, and can even be addicting. Acupuncture can provide a better solution. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, strong feelings like stress interrupt the smooth flow of energy in the body, leading to pain, indigestion, lack of sleep, and other problems. Acupuncture reopens these blocked pathways and allows your body to return to its natural state of harmony.
Modern science also shows acupuncture is an effective method of stress relief. Acupuncture slows your body’s production of stress hormones and instead promotes increased production of natural pain killing chemicals. There is no dependency, no addiction, and long list of horrible side effects. Acupuncture can provide many patients with immediate relief after each visit and lead to better sleep and a more calm life. For people that are currently struggling to get off addictive stress medication, acupuncture can provide a welcome solution.
Whether you are old or young, acupuncture can be an effective solution to stress relief. It is far more safe than many other treatments and can lead to results faster. Every patient is different, which is why is it important to consult with a experienced professional. Dr. Mansouri is a licensed, board certified acupuncturist with over 20 years of experience helping patients with stress relief and other conditions in the Irvine and Orange County area.